Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Hi! I'm Meg Horne and I am a 2nd grade teacher. This is my 7th year of teaching.  I came upon Whole Brain Teaching (WBT) last year when my principal sent us the link. I was most interested in using the "Mirror, Mirror" and using gestures in my teaching.  But what I found was that the Five Rules and Class-Yes call out changed the environment in my classroom so much that I am HOOKED!  I cannot wait to start the year using WBT and see how it helps me to grow professionally AND watch my students soar to reach their potential and try new things.  Stay tuned to see how I implement and try out the WBT strategies in my classroom!


  1. Hi Meg! Congratulations on joining the blogging community! I LOVE Whole Brain Teaching with my second graders too! Add a Followers gadget to your blog so others can follow you more me!

    Mrs. Stoltenberg's Second Grade Class

  2. Nancy-
    Your site is FABULOUS! It will help me as I prepare to set up my room. I added a follower gadget and I appreciate your help. Looking forward to learning more!

  3. Welcome to the blogging world Meg! I replied to your Blogging 101 post on the WBT forum as well. I've added your blog to the WBT Blogger Master List so it can be easily accessed by WBT users! You can find the list on the Looking for Bloggers forum thread. I am excited to read your upcoming posts :)

    Best wishes,
    Miss L (WBT Blog Bug)
    Miss L’s Whole Brian Teaching

    1. Thanks! I have seen your blog on Pinterest. Looking forward to blogging. :)

    2. It is exciting to hear how people are finding my blog, thanks for commenting back! I also just replied to your WBT forum comment as well :)

      Miss L (WBT Blog Bug)
      Miss L’s Whole Brian Teaching

  4. Welcome to blogging and WBT! I am looking forward to reading about your year!
    I just started a blog as well:)
